Building Permits

To obtain a permit for both residential and commercial uses, simply download the forms below or give us a call and we will be happy to provide you with the necessary forms.

Applications can be emailed to [email protected] or brought into City Hall during regular business hours.

Building Permit Fee schedule is as follows;

Building Permit Application Reveiw $ 25.00
Building Permit per Project Cost Fee
Fences (includes application reveiw) $25.00 per 600 feet in combined length per parcel
            $1 - $4999 $  50.00
            $5000 - $99,000  $  75.00
            $100,000+ $200.00 for the fist $100,000 plus $2.00 per $1000 thereafter
Zone Change Request $150.00
Special Use Permit $150.00
Variance Request $150.00
Subdivision Application  
            Preliminary Plat  $300.00 + $10.00 per lot
            Final Plat $50.00
Certificate of Occupancy $50.00
Utility Connects  
          Drinking Water $2000.00 + material costs and labor per connection
          Sewer $2000.00 + material costs and labor per connection
Permanent Structure Demolition  $50.00
Move or Demolition of Mobile Home $50.00


Building permit applications are approved by City Council. City Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month. To be considered for approval permits must be submitted for review by the  Monday prior to council at 12 p.m. Council Meeting Dates.