
Sponsors are an absolute must for Market Lake Day to be a success!

To become a sponsor simply purchase a sponsorship package or click here (use "MLD donantion" as the payment type).

Sponsorship Levels:

Level 1 Sponsor - $125.00

  • Your business' name will be promoted on the City of Roberts website.
  • Your business' name will be announced throughout the event.

Level 2 Sponsor - $250.00

  • Includes all Level 1 benefits.
  • Your business' logo/name will be promoted on our Market Lake social media.

Level 3 Sponsor - $500.00

  • Includes all Level 1 & 2 benefits.
  • Your logo/name will be displayed on the sponsor banner at the event, below the Event Sponsor.
  • Free vendor booth option.

Event Sponsor - $1000.00

  • Includes all Level 1-3 benefits.
  • Your company logo/name will be prominently featured on sponsorship banners at the event.
  • Headline sponsors will have larger logos and receive top billing.
  • Free vendor booth option.
Sponsorship deadline is May 31, 2024. Please send your email of support to robertscityclerk@yahoo.